Category: memex

Suggested books

I was asking about introductory Forest Mensuration and Forest Growth books and got:

Forest mensuration

  1. Forest measurements by Avery and Burkhart (fifth or latest edition)
  2. Tree and forest measurement by PW West (metric units!).
  3. Prodan et al. 1997. Mensura forestal.
  4. Burkhart, HE, TE Avery, and BP Bullock. 2019. Forest Measurements. Sixth edition. Waveland Press|975

Forest growth

  1. Modeling forest trees and stands by Burkhart and Tomé 2012.
  2. Forest stand dynamics by Hans Pretzsch

Superindex and subindex in ggpairs axes labels

I was having problems on the syntax to get the axis labels with subindices and superindices, as it didn’t work as in ggplot2. The trick was to use a single expression() and specifying labeller = label_parsed)


resin_bv |> 
  ggpairs(columns = c("canal_size_bv", "canal_area_bv", "canal_density_bv"),
          columnLabels = c("Canal~size~(mm^2)", "Canal~area~('%')", "Canal~density~(n~cm^{-2})"),
          upper = "blank",
          labeller  = label_parsed) +
  theme_bw(base_size = 14)

greenR: Green spaces in R

Yesterday I was attending the Urban Forest Futures conference and there were several interesting presentations. Here is a couple of links to work that was mentioned:

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